View Full Version : Lemon-bellied Flycatcher

Colin Driscoll
07-22-2012, 01:04 AM
A Lemon-bellied Flycatcher from far north Australia (NE Northern Territory).
5D3 100-400 @ 400 1/250 f6.3 iso320 ambient light

07-22-2012, 04:40 AM
Well done on this one...another species \I may never see here in Oz. Nice detail in the fine neck feathers and nicely sitting on the perch and in the frame..maybe a bit of fill light may of lit up the head a little more

Gloria Hopkins
07-22-2012, 04:52 AM
What a background. Couldn't have asked for softer light. Nice capture of both catchlight and a bit of rim lighting. Pretty!

Daniel Cadieux
07-22-2012, 09:02 AM
Beautiful little guy, and I love it's name! Nice composition and details. Good backgorund too, and the perch has lots of character. I do wish for a better head angle though, and the image is too blue. Here in the repost I added blue and red in PS "Color Balance", then reduced even more blue in "Saturation":

laurie golden
07-22-2012, 10:07 AM
What a dreamy photo. The background compliments the bird nicely. Head angle ok for me.