View Full Version : Golden Morning

Lance Peters
04-18-2008, 08:00 PM
Hi - spotted this fellow in the golden early morning light on he way to work this morning.

- 0.3 EV
ISO 200

Raw file processed in Capture NX - Black / White point set via double thresh hold method.
Sharpened a little then cropped.

Some rubbish in the water removed via quick masks.



Harold Davis
04-19-2008, 12:23 PM
hi lance. this is a wonderful birdscape picture. i love the colors here. your cormy is way overexposed though. make sure to check your histogram to see how your exposure is. you probably had a spike at the far right in this one. you want data on the right side, but not built up on the far right wall. hoping some other more experienced people can help you out with the exposure as it is a little hard for me to go into depth. but you were at -0.3EV where i am thinking you would have wanted to be -1.7EV.

compositionally, your bird kinda gets lost in the frame too. use the rule of thirds for this one. i put your bird right in the middle of the right line in the ROT chart.

cant wait to see more of these of these cormys. we dont have them over here.

Lance Peters
04-19-2008, 02:32 PM
Hi Harold - just checked the histogram - NO Spike on the right hand side at all. I also checked the highlight warning when taking the photo no flashing over exposed highlights either.

Only thing I can think of is PP.


Harold Davis
04-19-2008, 05:30 PM
lance, look in the right bottom corner. there is data beginning to pile up. you have to look close. it's small, but it is the white of the bird and it is climbing the wall. not much, but enough to make a difference.

Lance Peters
04-19-2008, 07:08 PM
Hi Harold - I will have to get my eyes checked - cant see it on the camera - but yes Can see it in Photoshop.

I will have to see if I can make the histogram on the camera bigger - intresting that it DID NOT show any blown highlights on the camera either - eben though it's turned on.



Lance Peters
04-19-2008, 07:32 PM
Hey Harold - I have been out practising most of the morning.

Have one to post later today - this time nothing at 249-255 on the histogram - which should be in the ballpark a bit better.

a keeper I hope ..maybe.. anyway. A Egret with his breakfast - fish in his bill, shot with 2X teleconverter at 1600mm.

Alfred Forns
04-19-2008, 08:47 PM
H Lance Not sure how you got the histogram set up but here is a suggestion

Go to custom menu >controls> multi selector center button > Playback mode>view histogram When it is selected you only push the center at the toggle and the histogram pops up Only way to go The other views are not as good

If you analyze the image there is lots of dark tones with will make the meter open up On top of that the bird is white and needs less light Will result in overexposure every time !!!! Would also like to see the bird placed on the lower right corner Small bird in frame normally look better in corners !!!!

Gerald Kelberg
04-20-2008, 06:34 AM
Hi Alfred,
I really like the idea of viewing the Histogram Only - is there an equivalent feature in the Canon 1D MkIII that I have thus far failed to find - or is this magic only on the "Dark Side"!?



Gus Cobos
04-20-2008, 09:36 AM
Hi Lance,
Like your image alot, great background and colors, but agree with Harold and Al. Your subject is a wee bit on the well done side...:eek::eek:
Practice makes better...:) Keep them coming...:D:D

Oscar Zangroniz
04-21-2008, 02:04 PM
Hey Lance, i think the composition and the soft colors are great. As they mentioned in the prior replys, just a tad cooked.
Best wishes,