View Full Version : Forster's Tern Before Plunge Dive

Melissa Groo
07-05-2012, 04:51 PM
Canon 1D Mark IV
500mm +1.4x

1/6400 sec
ISO 800

I think if I could photograph nothing but terns the rest of my life I would be happy. They might be my favorite birds to photograph. I find them endlessly graceful, elegant, and stunning. This image was taken a couple months ago on a Fort Myers, FL beach. Marina Scarr and I were practicing our bird in flight shots and had lots of terns around. I think this is an immature Forster's Tern (thanks for the i.d. help, Marina).
I liked the dynamic pose. I probably should have dialed down the ISO, as we had plenty of light. The shadow of the left wing on the neck kinda bugs me but what can you do. About 70% of original frame. Did some highlight recovery, sharpening, NR.
I look forward to any critiques or comments. Thank you for looking!
PS Can a moderator please change the title?

Jim Crosswell
07-05-2012, 05:48 PM
I like the sharpness, details and pre dive pose. I would place the tern just a little higher in the frame. Nice image Melissa!

Randy Stout
07-05-2012, 05:58 PM

I love the curve formed by the wings, the framed head, sharpness. Generally I would think this wing position wouldn't work as well, because of being edge on to us, but the curve and splayed primaries work for me.

I can see Jim's point, and would try that crop, plus might remove a sliver from the right as well.



I fixed the thread title

Melissa Groo
07-05-2012, 06:06 PM
Thank you for the fix, Randy. And for the comments, and Jim's too. I'll try that crop you both suggest at some point and repost.
I know, when I first saw this image, Randy, I thought the wing position was not ideal, but the pose really grew on me.

Graeme Cox
07-05-2012, 06:20 PM
Lovely image, Crisp & Sharp :S3:

07-05-2012, 06:49 PM
A wild BIF pose, Melissa.
1/6400 @ only iso800?
That is some nice light and it would take 1/6400 to get this.
Very well done.

Mike Milicia
07-05-2012, 07:49 PM
Great pose and scary sharp!

Perfect Sunny f/16 exposure :w3
If I were going to give up some SS in this kind of situation with the Mark IV, I would probably shut down a stop
before lowering the ISO. Whenever possible, I like to be at least one stop down from wide open, especially
when using a teleconverter.

Agree with crop suggestions above.
I see what you mean about the shadow on the neck but not an image killer for me.
Might actually like the shadow a bit darker ... once you notice it, it looks a bit odd.

gail bisson
07-05-2012, 08:30 PM
Hi Melissa,
I really like the curve created by the wings. Tack sharp.
Agree with more room below.
I didn't even notice the shadow until I read your description! Minor issue for me.
Love that SS!!

Rachel Hollander
07-05-2012, 09:22 PM
Melissa - great sharpness and detail. I really like the fanned position of the wings and the curves of this image.


07-05-2012, 10:01 PM
The wing form is unusual...and extra good as well, super sharp, certainly has the WOW factor, sky color is a little odd possibly

John Ippolito
07-06-2012, 12:09 AM
Wing position is awkward but so very dynamic. It works well for me coupled with terrific detail. Really nice, Melissa.

christopher galeski
07-06-2012, 02:12 AM
Beautiful image,nice light,sharp,like the pose.well done.

Marina Scarr
07-06-2012, 09:58 AM
Really do like this pose and all of the details in the feathers, plus it's unique. I like that you can see some feet and the bird's head, and it almost appears as though the wings are enveloping its head. You did a good job with the catch light but I would like to see it a little lower and maybe even a bit to the right. The shadow on the bird's neck has a bluish hue and I wonder whether you lightened it up a bit. Working on our BIF with the terns sure was fun, but it was also hard work!!

Melissa Groo
07-06-2012, 01:52 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments/suggestions. Marina and Mike, you have scary good eyes (and also maybe I have scary mediocre PS skills:t3). I did lighten the shadow on the neck a little and I did add a catchlight. Didn't mention either as I wanted to see if anyone noticed. (and I figured if I did mention them, that's ALL that people would see!)
So here is a repost with some taken off the top, with the catchlight as per Marina's suggestion, and with the original neck shadow. Hope she's improved.
Thanks again.

Mark Young
07-10-2012, 05:42 AM
I love the pose of the bird in this image!