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  1. Northern Hawk-Owl
  2. Female Eider (repost)
  3. Spoonbill Flap
  4. Superb-Fairy Wrens
  5. Rounding second base.
  6. Spoonies Head On
  7. Bosque Kestrel
  8. Hand of Man
  9. Purple Sandpiper
  10. Looking Back
  11. Pinyon Jay
  12. Landing Gear Is Down
  13. Great Horned Owl
  14. Crested Cara Cara
  15. Burrowing Owl Landing Pano
  16. He went that-a-way
  17. Northern Hawk Owl
  18. White pelicans in snow
  19. Australian Galah's
  20. Snail Kite Banking in Flight
  21. Common Nighthawk Takeoff
  22. Glossy Ibis
  23. Great Blues Mating
  24. Snowy Angel !!!
  25. On Golden Pond
  26. Western Tanager
  27. Three Amigos
  28. Early Morning Glo
  29. Sandhill Blur
  30. White Stork
  31. America White Pelican
  32. Early morning courtship
  33. Bosque Cooper's Hawk
  34. Hawk Owl
  35. Aplomado Falcon
  36. Strange Bird
  37. Great Egret on afterburners
  38. Great Blue at sunset
  39. Crowned Woodnymph
  40. Northern Fulmar (environmental)
  41. Baby Blowfish Blows It!
  42. Bald Eagle in Winter (Environmental)
  43. Out for supplies
  44. SQUAWK softly & carry a BIG STICK
  45. Ghostly Crane
  46. Pileated Woodpecker in Flight
  47. The Intruder
  48. Aplomado Falcon - Bosque del Apache
  49. The Toss
  50. Pintail In Golden Light
  51. From the Ali Farm
  52. Harris's Sparrow
  53. boat tailed grackles singing
  54. Goin Home
  55. Black-faced Spoonbill
  56. Spoonbill in Flight
  57. Ring-necked Duck Landing
  58. Northern Gannet first lights
  59. Anhinga take off, Happy 2008!!!
  60. Bird Fight
  61. Hard Bank
  62. Northern Hawk Owl
  63. Merlin
  64. Collared Plover
  65. Nest arranging
  66. Eastern Meadowlark
  67. Meet the Swans
  68. First Primary Try
  69. Northern Hawk Owl (birdscape)
  70. Hey wass up!!
  71. Lanner Falcon
  72. My first post
  73. Weirdest hybridization attempt ever!
  74. Mirrored Anhinga
  75. Harlequin Duck
  76. Seagull in Flight Experiment
  77. New Mexico Western Bluebird
  78. Black-necked Stilt
  79. First Post Cerulean Warbler
  80. Hooded merganser
  81. Northern Hawk Owl
  82. Lark Bunting
  83. Great Blue with Sea Trout
  84. Western Snowy Plover by Mike Baird
  85. Taking A Look Roseate Spoonbill
  86. Dark-eyed Junco
  87. First post: Semipalmated Plover at sunset
  88. First Post / First Pic of 08
  89. Oropendula
  90. Brown-headed Nuthatches
  91. Great Kiskadee
  92. First Post - Just an Anhinga.
  93. Carolina Chickadee - first post, second try
  94. Dark Morph Red-tailed Hawk
  95. Ruddy Turnstone
  96. FIxed Osprey
  97. Heron In Flight
  98. Juvi. Northern Harrier
  99. Northern Mockingbird in the Fall
  100. Runner on the Beach
  101. Down the Hatch
  102. Friend of the Forest
  103. Wood stork head shot.
  104. Just another Snowy day in S FL
  105. Western Sandpiper
  106. Spoonbill and Heron
  107. Double Crested Cormorant
  108. Osprey Sushi Time
  109. First Post - White-Tailed Kite
  110. Least Tern Feeding
  111. Red-winged Blackbirds
  112. Eagle landing
  113. Snow(y) in South FL
  114. Least Tern Feeding
  115. Get OUT of my Pool
  116. Prothonotary Warbler
  117. Purple Finch
  118. Red Shouldered Hawk
  119. Ruffed Grouse - Rufous Phase
  120. Purple Gallinule on Fireflag
  121. Sanderling w/ Clam
  122. Ferruginous Hawk?
  123. Blue Heron
  124. Scrub Jay Close-up
  125. Common Kingfisher Landing Blur
  126. Captive Black Kite In Flight
  127. Red-shouldered Hawk
  128. Sandhill Cranes - Creamers Field AK
  129. Welcoming the Sunrise
  130. Crimson Rosella
  131. Eagles Fighting Over Salmon
  132. Have a little fun
  133. Successful Osprey Fishing Expedition
  134. Red Headed Barbet (Male)
  135. Singing Blue-headed Wagtail
  136. The Mosquito and the Egret
  137. Changing to blue sky for openbill stork?
  138. Gannet Colony
  139. Displaying common cranes
  140. Least Terns Mating ~ The Exchange of Gifts
  141. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
  142. Snail Kite
  143. Philadelphia Vireo
  144. Limpkin visit
  145. Snowy
  146. False Color Infrared Brown Pelican
  147. first pics with d3
  148. Willet
  149. Red Breasted Merganser - Male
  150. gulls on New Year
  151. snow goose squadron
  152. Preening
  153. Eye to Eye
  154. Great Horned Owl
  155. The take 0ff, Venice Rookery
  156. Black-throated Gray Warbler
  157. Heron Squabble!
  158. Pelican Landing
  159. Snowy at Cutler Wetlands
  160. First Photo Submission
  161. Ruby Throated Humming Bird taking flight
  162. Pellican Landing
  163. Goldfinch in flight
  164. Chestnut-crowned Becard
  165. Mangrove Warbler- my first post here.
  166. Palm Warbler
  167. Little Blue Heron
  168. Spoonbill Reflections
  169. Dansing
  170. American Avocet
  171. Snowy Plover on nest
  172. Northern Parula
  173. California Condor
  174. Youngster
  175. Great reed warbler
  176. Spoonbill Sunset
  177. A Snowy Day
  178. Red Headed Barbet (Male)
  179. What a great idea!
  180. Snowy's Catch
  181. Wood Duck
  182. Little Egrets
  183. Don't Mess with my Woman
  184. UUPS, I'm coming!
  185. Black and White
  186. Reddish Egret Portrait
  187. Eyes
  188. Savannah Sparrow
  189. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  190. Stay Out!!!!
  191. Double Crested Cormorant
  192. Grey Plover in Knot Roost
  193. GBH topside
  194. Northern pygmy owl with predated vole.
  195. Chickadee
  196. Mandarin Duck
  197. Pelicans
  198. Female Magnificent Frigate Bird
  199. Flight Path
  200. Cricket Anyone?
  201. Birding with the 100 macro
  202. Hawk Owl
  203. Mute Swan
  204. Masked lapwing - leg stretch
  205. White-tailed Ptarmigan
  206. Bad Hair Day
  207. Young Green Herons
  208. Swamp Harrier
  209. Bufflehead Duck
  210. White on Black
  211. Bald Eagle, northern NY
  212. Pine Grosbeak
  213. Great White Wings Up Fly By
  214. Golden-Crowned Kinglet
  215. Anhinga
  216. Bosque del Apache Sunrise
  217. Red-Tail Hawk
  218. Hummingbird
  219. GBH Silhouette
  220. Red-tail Hawk
  221. Northern Hawk Owl
  222. Bald Eagle
  223. Blue Winged Kookaburra
  224. Cerulean Warbler
  225. Loggerhead Shrike
  226. White-winged Crosbill
  227. Eastern King Bird
  228. Green Crowned Brilliant
  229. Northern Cardinal
  230. Carolina Wren
  231. Black Tern w/chicks
  232. Bosque Sunrise
  233. Parental Love
  234. Southern Carmine bee-eater, Botswana
  235. New Holland Honeyeater
  236. Whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybridus)
  237. Happy New Year from the newcommer
  238. Laughing Kookaburra
  239. Rufous-naped Lark
  240. First post,,, Ruffed Grouse
  241. The hunter
  242. Best Wishes for 2008
  243. Sulpher-crested Cockatoo-Cacatua galerita
  244. Osprey Going Home
  245. Painted Bunting
  246. The Entertainer
  247. Common Tern Hovering
  248. White Heron
  249. Big Stick OSPREY pt.2
  250. Sandhill Takeoff