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  1. Barn Owl (Tito alba)
  2. Theme Noisy Miner
  3. Royal Tern
  4. Bufflehead
  5. Tangerine Surise
  6. Young Burrowing Owl
  7. Theme Great Blue Heron
  8. Double-crested Cormorant and Black-eyed Susans.
  9. Common Loon
  10. Theme Squabbling Skimmers
  11. Elegant Tern Shake.
  12. Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja)
  13. Theme Common Tern
  14. Theme: Snowy Egret
  15. Black footed Albatross
  16. Tawny Frogmouth
  17. Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
  18. Sanderling
  19. Snowy Plover
  20. Tri-colored Heron Dip Fishing
  21. Caspian Tern
  22. Grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
  24. Roseate Spoonbill
  25. Singing Veery.
  26. White-rumped Sandpiper flapping after bath
  27. common Goldeneye
  28. Willet
  29. Bald Eagle
  30. American White Pelican
  31. Broad-billed Hummer
  32. Over the Moon
  33. Old Black footed Albatross
  34. One serious splash
  35. Royal Tern
  36. Free Lessons ...
  37. Lucifer (female) Hummingbird
  38. Snail Kite
  39. Reach for the sky! (Wilson's plover)
  40. Theme Red-winged blackbird
  41. Tawny Frogmouth/2
  43. Spotted Eagle Owl
  44. Least Sandpiper Reflection.
  45. Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
  46. Red Necked Phalarope (non breeding)
  47. falcon stoop
  48. Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
  49. Last try
  50. Theme Caspian Tern
  51. Least Sandpiper/Submarine Surfacing ...
  52. Yellow-billed Edward Scissorhands - I mean, Magpie
  53. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (f)
  54. Scrub Jay Spray
  55. Bring in food from Mom
  56. Northern Gannet....Close Up
  57. Least Tern
  58. A 75% 1200mm Crop!
  59. Theme: The Scowl
  60. American White Pelican
  61. The Hop! (a WIPL followup)
  62. Snowy Egret Landing
  63. Excuse Me!?
  64. Ibis
  65. Canvasback
  66. Horned grebe
  67. Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
  68. Greater Yellowlegs.
  69. Common Moorhen
  70. Black Headed Gull
  71. American White Pelican
  72. Migrating Dowitchers
  73. Yellow-billed Magpie - Color me Splendid!
  74. Northern Flicker Behavior...
  75. Gotcha!!
  76. Little Peep...
  77. Spoon Time
  78. Buff-breasted Sandpiper
  79. Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
  80. Little Grebe
  81. Reddish Egret Fishing...
  82. Osprey
  83. Ruddy Turnstone
  84. Fresh Juvenile Sanderling
  85. Theme: Making Eye Contact
  86. Theme Featherscape...
  87. Starling
  88. Snowy Fight
  89. Great Egret x-Ray.
  90. Aerial defence
  91. Welcome Swallow Quest #1
  92. Royal Terns
  93. Common Moorhen II
  94. Pink Popper
  95. Acorn Woody in flight
  96. Royal Spoonbill
  97. Male falcon
  98. Snowy Egret portrait
  99. Reddish Egret
  100. Greater Yellowlegs With Tidbit.
  101. Cape Barren Goose
  102. White Ibis
  103. American Oystercatcher
  104. Nuther Day - Nuther Acorn - Heading' your way
  105. Least Bittern (juvie)
  106. Northern Cardinal (f)
  107. Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides
  108. Rockhopper Penguin
  109. Welcome Swallow Quest #2
  110. Black-bellied plover dining.
  111. Ring-necked Duck... Wing Flap
  112. Red-dy for Breakfast
  113. Eider female wing flap
  114. Nutrition
  115. Yellow-billed Magpie - Swoop de Do
  116. Cape Barren Goose - take 2
  117. Another Snowy in flight
  118. Theme Greylag Goose
  119. Semipalmated Plover
  120. Semipalmated Plover With Insect Catch.
  121. Balancing Act
  122. Maggie's exit
  123. Hiding in the nest...
  124. Grey Fantail silhouette
  125. rust on gold ?
  126. Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
  127. Northern Shoveler Hen Landing
  128. Sanderling
  129. Theme Avian fireworks .....
  130. Theme Mounds Of Feathers...
  131. Razorbill
  132. Stud or Dud?
  133. Great Blue Heron Plumage Detail.
  134. Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
  135. Movement
  136. Welcome Swallow Quest #3
  137. Acorn Full Extension
  138. Snowy Egret
  139. Razorbill 2
  140. Yup - nutter Magpie... rather like this one
  141. Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
  142. Low Angle Great Egret Fly-By.
  143. Black Skimmer
  144. Semipalmated Sandpiper
  145. Scrub Jay Showing off
  146. South Polar Skua
  147. Huh?
  148. Tern in b&w
  149. Whimbrel
  150. Seven Days to a Year
  151. Hummingbird
  152. Grouse
  154. Can You Make A Vulture Look Good.... I Tried
  155. Magnificent (Rivoli's) Hummingbird
  156. Semipalmated Sandpiper Cruisin' Along
  157. Guillemot
  158. Sanderling
  159. Another Crested Tern with prey
  160. Yellow-billed Magpie - Flat de Air
  161. Fish Breakfast...
  162. Barred Owl in flight
  163. BOAS (wet)
  164. Brown Pelican
  165. Theme Wood Stork
  166. Take off
  167. Pied Oystercatcher
  168. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  169. Green Heron
  170. Varied Bunting
  171. What's Better Than One Baird's Sandpiper?.....
  172. Common Terns
  173. Peaceful Preening (sanderling)
  174. Red-shouldered hawk
  175. Look Up
  176. Acorn being - corny
  177. QA Nuisance Or A Beauty ?
  178. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  179. Tern in flight
  180. Raven
  181. Common Yellowthroat (m)
  182. Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) juvenile
  183. What's Better Than TWO Baird's Sandpipers?.....
  185. Stealth killer
  186. Inquisitive Jay
  187. Acorn - Eyes Wide Shut
  188. Meat Hooks For Talons...
  189. Golden-crowned Sparrow
  190. Its been a while - A1 + EF 600 F4 who would have thought
  191. Grey Butcherbird parenting
  192. Acorn - Lands with Enthusiasm
  193. European Goldfinch
  194. Wood Duck - A Rainbow of Grace
  195. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  196. Cliffhanger
  197. Lucifer's Hummingbird
  198. Don't Play With Your Food (Snowy Plover)
  199. Juvenile Black-bellied Plover.
  200. WTK - Golden Hour Ruby-Eyed
  201. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  202. white-tailed kite
  203. Brewers Blackbird
  204. Azure Kingfisher
  205. Wood Duck (m)
  206. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  207. Green Heron banking
  208. green
  209. Great white egret (Ardea alba)
  210. Grebe - "I Believe I Can Fly"
  211. Sparrow hawk (f) close-up
  212. Australasian Grebe
  213. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  214. Northern Gannet....Close Up
  215. One More Baird's Sandpiper.
  216. Blue 42
  217. Great Egret along the Catawba River, North Carolina
  218. Red-tailed hawk
  219. imperial eagle
  220. Red-bellied Woodpecker (f)
  221. Duck season is here...
  222. Marsh harrier
  223. Great Egret
  224. Osprey with catch, Catawba River, North Carolina
  225. Red-necked Phalarope.
  226. Blue Tit
  227. Black-winged kite
  228. Head On
  229. Green Winged Teal
  230. Osprey acrobat
  231. Snipe
  232. Gold on gold
  233. Camouflage
  234. Kestrel
  235. Another Osprey acrobatic move
  236. Sparrow hawk (f)
  237. Loggerhead Shrike
  238. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  239. Crested Caracara
  240. Red Kite - Stare
  241. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  242. Ring Necked Duck
  243. Wood Duck Autumn Reflection.
  244. Steppe eagle
  245. Sandwich tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis)
  246. Sparrow hawk (Juvenile)
  247. Young Gun
  248. Cormorant
  249. Juvi kite
  250. Osprey Dune-scape